When the Advent of Lord Krishna took place?
Bhumi went to Brahma as a cow and related the calamitous position of the earth. Lord Brahma, lord Shiva and Bhumi also followed to reach lord Vishnu (ocean milk)
All the demigods offered the purusa sukta prayer to the supreme personality of godhead.
Lord Brahma personally sat in meditation and there was a message transmission from Lord Vishnu to Brahma (medium of heart) Brahma then informed to demigods that Vishnu will appear on the earth soon along with his supreme powerful potency.
The supreme personality of godhead is Krishna. He has an eternal, Blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and he is the prime cause of all causes. Krishna appeared 5,000 years ago and staged on this earth for 125 years and played exactly like a human begin.
What is the process of Krishna Consciousness?
Krishna states that this process of Krishna consciousness is susukham very pleasant and easy to practice.
Q. What are the names of the horses of Krishna Chariot?
ANS: Shaibya, Sugreeva, Meghapushpa, and Balaahaka
What are the 9 Process devotional services?
There are nine processes of devotional service recommended.
1. SRAVANAM - Listening
2. KIRTANAM – Singing
3. SMARANAM – Understanding
4. PADA-SEVANAM – Engaging oneself
5. ARCANAM - Worshiping
6. VANDANAM - Offering respectful obeisance’s
7. DASYAM - Everlasting servant of Krishna.
8. SAKHYAM - Well-wisher of Krishna
- Offering Krishna body, mind, intelligence – everything
What are the five different relationship a devotee can have with Krishna?
Ans. One may be a devotee in a passive state, One may be a devotee in an active state, One may be a devotee as a friend, One may be a devotee as a parent, One may be a devotee as a conjugal lover.
The process of Krishna consciousness is the process of training these senses through regulated principles specifically through the chanting of Hare Krishna {BHAKTI YOGA)
Yoga means to re-establish our relationship with god
Yoga means to re-establish our relationship with god
Civilization and transcendence
The Ultimate Knowledge
Srutis (The four original Vedas, the Upanishads ad the Vedanta sutra)
Veda means Knowledge and anta means “Goal or End” So Vedanta means the end of all knowledge.
Vedanta sutra was written by Vyasadeva, and under the instructions of Narada, his pritial master,
Vyasadeva wrote a commentary on it. That is Srimad-Bhagavatam.
Smrtis (the puranas the Mahabharata, Ramayana and corollary Vedic literature)
The four original Vedas are considered Sruti. But simply by hearing them, one cannot understand fully.
Therefore, the smrtis have explained further. By hearing puranas and other smrits, one makes his
understanding complete. In kali-yuga the smrti order is “kirtanad eva krishnasya mukta sangah param
vrajet” to obtain spiritual liberation, one must chant the holy name of the lord, Hare Krishna. Sruti and
Smrtis cannot be changed but they may recommend a particular process at a particular time, particular
Explain varnasra
The varnasrama system has four social and four spiritual divisions.
The varnasrama system has four social and four spiritual divisions.
Social divisions
1) Brahmanas (Teachers and priests)
2) Ksatriyas (Administrators and military men)
3) Vaisyas ( Farmers and merchants)
4) Sudras (Laboures and craftsmen)
Spiritual division
1) Brahmacaris (students)
2) Grhasthas (Householders)
3) Vanaprasthas( Retirees)
4) Sannyasis (Renunciants)
The ultimate goal is visnur aradhyate the worship of the Supreme Lord, Vishnu by all and not economic development. That is the idea.
Satya-yuga – Characterized of virtue, wisdom, religion, and practically no ignorance,
last’s 1,728,000 years
Treta-yuga – introduction of prostitution and ignorance, last’s 1,296,000 years
Dvapara-yuga – greater decline in virtue and religion, increasing prostitution and ignorance, lasting864,000 years
Kali-yuga – in which we have already in for the last 500 years, lasting a total of 432,000 years.
In this age of Kali-yuga we will come to a point of termination and the Supreme Lord Himself will appear as the Kalki Avatara, vanquishing the demons, saving His devotees, and commencing another Satya-Yuga.
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